Can Chocolate Improve Your Mood? Is There A Connection With Happiness
The Aztecs knew about cocoa’s effects on mood long before it went to the West. They also drank the bitter liquid during rituals to strengthen them when preparing for war and as an aphrodisiac. According to historians, these early civilizations from Latin America added water to the roasted and ground cocoa beans. They enhanced them with chillis and cornmeal, turning them into a frothy beverage called “xocolatl.” Cocoa beans became so popular in the region that the Aztecs used them as currency.
It wasn’t long before cocoa found its way to Europe via Spain, where it remained a well-guarded secret for some time before it found its way to the rest of Europe. The Spaniards continued serving it as a drink but added sweeteners like honey or sugar to make it less bitter.
Most people love chocolate but until recently deemed it a guilty pleasure. However, recent research is throwing more light on its health benefits, including as a mood enhancer.
Researchers continue to find health benefits from consuming it, particularly dark chocolate. The latest research on its recognized effects on mood is encouraging since it provides evidence that dark chocolate consumers have reduced negative feelings.
A recent study published in 2022 showed that participants eating dark chocolate with 85% cocoa had the most reduced negative moods. Of the 48 participants in the study from South Korea, 18 ate a chocolate containing 85% cocoa. Another 16 participants received a chocolate product containing 70% cocoa. The final group ate no chocolate.
Interestingly, the study attributes the mood enhancement to the polyphenols found in chocolate and their effect on gut health, especially the git microbiome. The microorganisms found in the gastrointestinal tract connect the gut and the brain, and the more diversity of prebiotics and probiotics in the gut, the better.
Mood-Enhancing Cocoa Compounds
The cocoa tree’s fruit contains several compounds known for their mood-enhancing benefits. These compounds include flavonoids, theobromine, polyphenols, and phenylethylamine (PEA). Here’s how they work:
Flavonoids and Polyphenols
Flavonoids are antioxidants found in cocoa. They are a polyphenolic compound also found in many vegetables. These have a prebiotic effect on the gut, creating beneficial bacteria that help increase its microbiome diversity. Ultimately, they can influence mood since they break down and transform the body, helping improve the mood.
However, flavonoids also protect brain cells from free radical damage. Researchers have seen that flavonoids found in cocoa help improve blood flow to the brain. They have also noticed that they help reduce inflammation and promote new neuron growth. These factors may help with improved cognitive function, overall brain health, and memory.
Furthermore, these flavonoids can also help control mood by helping produce neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, improving well-being and happiness.
Theobromine has a mildly stimulant effect, increasing energy levels and mental alertness, much like caffeine. However, unlike caffeine, it has no side effects like increased heartbeat or energy crashes. Chocolate consumption is an excellent alternative for a gentle energy boost with no side effects.
Phenylethylamine (PEA)
Phenylethylamine is a compound found in cocoa, often called the “love molecule.” It encourages the release of endorphins, or feel-good chemicals, in the brain. These can create a sense of joy and happiness, like falling in love or partaking in a physical activity.
Incorporating Dark Chocolate in the Diet
Chocolate may seem like just a decadent treat. Still, its chemical composition and the delicate balancing of its processing give it its unique texture, flavour, and properties. Cocoa beans contain bitter alkaloids, but the balance of ingredients and temperatures to create delicious chocolate depends on the chocolatier. Remember that when looking for a treat, dark chocolate is both delicious and carries several health benefits, including improving your mood.
Choosing the Right Chocolate to Improve Your Mood
So far, we have discovered that dark chocolate is the most beneficial if you’re looking for mood improvement properties. That’s because it contains more beneficial compounds than milk or white chocolate.
Therefore, the higher the cocoa content, the better. Chocolate should contain 70% or more cocoa for maximum mood-enhancing benefits. The less milk and sugar in chocolate, the more bitter it becomes, but it still tastes delicious. You should also prefer chocolate with as little fat and sugar content as possible, ensuring you enjoy it with minimal health consequences.
However, how much dark chocolate should you consume? Too much of a good thing can prove unhealthy. Therefore, if you want its positive effects on your mood, you shouldn’t consume more than 48 grams or 1.6 ounces of dark chocolate daily.
Eating Dark Chocolate Without the Added Sugar
The quality of the cocoa bean and its manufacturing process will affect its texture and flavour. Therefore, it’s essential to buy high-quality dark chocolate. Here’s how you can slowly add it to your diet so that you don’t need the addition of sugar:
It’s an Acquired Taste
If you have always eaten white or milk chocolate, you can slowly transition to dark chocolate until you get used to the highest cocoa percentage. Most milk chocolate contains about 25% cocoa, so slowly aim to reach a rate above 50% by eating a tiny piece daily.
Adjust Your Sugar Intake
One of the reasons you might think that dark chocolate is too bitter is because you have been eating foods with high sugar content, leading to your receptors understanding when something is too sweet. Therefore, you perceive bitter flavours as more bitter than they really are. As you cut down on sweeter foods, you will find that bitter chocolate is not that bitter.
Chocolate Quality Matters
Several factors affect the taste of dark chocolate, including the cocoa bean variety, its processing, and other added ingredients. Even though two brands may have the same cocoa content, they will taste different. Look for dark chocolate made with high-quality ingredients and expertise. You can also look for a chocolate bar with single-origin cocoa from a region that offers a unique flavour.
Pair it Well
If you have tried all the above but still find dark chocolate bitter, pair it with other foods that enhance its flavour. These include eating it with fruits or combining it with cheese and wine. Other delicious combinations include sea salt and chillies.
Final Take
The benefits of cocoa continue to impress. Eating dark chocolate can improve your mood, so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t include some in your daily food intake. Here’s a pleasure that you don’t need to feel guilty about consuming anymore.