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Can Chocolate Alleviate PMS Symptoms?


PMS, otherwise known as premenstrual syndrome, affects almost every woman of menstruating age. Some can feel its effects for almost two weeks before their menstrual cycle.

Changes in hormone levels cause bothersome symptoms that may include irritability, bloating, cramps, headaches, and anxiety. Other symptoms include breast tenderness or swelling, diarrhea or constipation, backaches, sleep problems, and mood swings.

As women approach menopause, the symptoms may become worse as hormonal levels increase. Unfortunately, 75% of women will feel at least one of these PMS symptoms during their menstrual cycle, sending them looking for relief. Interestingly, studies have shown that besides traditional ways of finding relief, including exercise and medications, chocolate can help alleviate one of the most common symptoms – pain. Read on to find out more!

Finding Relief From PMS With Chocolate

Of course, there are many ways to find relief from PMS. However, studies have also shown that dark chocolate is one food that reduces muscle contractions and inflammation, the two most common causes of PMS discomfort.

Dysmenorrhea (period cramps) has many causes, but the main one is inflammation caused by an increase of prostaglandins and other inflammatory chemicals released by the body during this time. They increase uterine contractions and reduce blood flow to the uterus.

Milk chocolate contains less cocoa, has excess sugar and butter, and has double the calorie amount, causing more bloating and weight gain.

However, dark chocolate contains more significant amounts of cocoa beans, meaning it’s higher in magnesium, potassium, and iron. These minerals help relax the muscles and improve the mood without increasing calorie consumption.

How does dark chocolate help with cramps?

Anyone who has suffered from menstrual cramps knows that they can interfere with day-to-day activities often before and especially during menstruation. Several studies have found that consuming chocolate during this time helps relieve menstrual pain.

How dark chocolate helps

Cocoa contains significant amounts of magnesium, which is known to relax the muscles and stop the production of the chemicals that stimulate cramps.

Dark chocolate has the best polyphenol and flavonoid levels, the chemical compounds that reduce inflammatory processes. They aks act as potent antioxidants.

Consuming dark chocolate also increases dopamine production, helping with mood improvement.

Two studies, one on 50 menstruating teenagers and another on 40, reported that dark chocolate significantly reduces menstrual cramps and pain.

How much chocolate can you eat?

When consumed in moderate amounts during their periods, menstruating teenagers and adults find significant relief.

That’s because dark chocolate contains higher amounts of minerals like magnesium, potassium, iron, and copper that positively affect muscle relaxation and mood. Milk chocolate will offer minimal relief because it contains fewer minerals, but it’s also loaded with more sugar, which encourages bloating. Never mind weight gain!

Aim to eat chocolate containing at least 65% cocoa beans during periods to help relieve menstrual cramps and avoid unnecessary calories.}

Can Chocolate Alleviate PMS Symptoms? Discover how chocolate can alleviate PMS symptoms. Learn about the benefits of dark chocolate and its minerals, vitamins, and nutrients in reducing menstrual cramps and boosting mood. 1

Benefits of Eating Chocolate for PMS

Besides magnesium, potassium, iron, and copper, dark chocolate also contains vitamins B1, D, E, and K. It’s also rich in calcium, boron, theobromine, polyphenols, and flavonols. Therefore, the benefits you can expect for PMS include:

Reduced stress

Dark chocolate reduces cortisol (stress hormone) levels, providing comfort during bleeding days.

Uplifted mood

Dark chocolate contains flavanols that help improve mood by increasing the brain’s happy hormone (serotonin and endorphin) levels.

Cramp relief

Uterine contractions cause painful period cramps in response to the release of prostaglandins (hormone-like lipids) due to the shedding of the uterus lining. Dark chocolate’s magnesium content helps relax the muscles and ease uterine contractions and pain since it inhibits prostaglandin production.

Dark chocolate also contains potassium that prevents the muscles from retaining water, thus helping ease cramps and reduce bloatedness.

Boosted energy

PMS and cramps can set your energy levels back considerably. Chocolate contains caffeine and stimulants such as theobromine and tryptophan, the precursors to serotonin. More serotonin production helps induce calmness.

Other minerals in cocoa that boost energy include essential vitamins, magnesium, and potassium, all found in cocoa.

Better looking skin

Cocoa’s rich mineral compounds help stimulate cell regeneration and contain healing properties. Therefore, you can expect them to help prevent acne and give your skin a good and healthy glow.

Muscle ache relief

Cocoa’s rich magnesium content remains ever-present in dark chocolate. It’s the best remedy for sore muscles.

Improved iron levels

Dark chocolate is rich in iron, which helps improve blood hemoglobin levels when the body needs it most. Sufficient levels of hemoglobin help reduce the signs of fatigue often felt during this time and make you more energetic.

Breakdown of the best nutrients that help with cramps

Besides eating dark chocolate, the intake of other nutrients can help alleviate period cramps. These nutrients are freely available in other foods, some also in dark chocolate, making it easier for you to alleviate PMS symptoms:

Omega-3 fatty acids – One study found that taking an omega-3 fatty acids supplement daily for three months reduced menstrual pain intensity because it reduces inflammation.

Magnesium – Low magnesium levels appear to worsen premenstrual syndrome symptoms. Magnesium can help with cramps by lowering prostaglandins and calming uterine contractions.

Vitamin B6 – Vitamin B6 can help with pain relief and mood by boosting the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. Combining it with magnesium appears to help with better magnesium absorption.

Vitamin E – One study on teenage girls proved that taking vitamin E for three days before menstruation lowered their pain scores, blood loss, and consumption of pain medication. It appears this fat-soluble vitamin positively improves cramp management when taken regularly.

Other foods that help with PMS

Now that you know that you can enjoy some dark chocolate to alleviate the symptoms of PMS, you will want to know what other foods to eat. After all, a girl cannot live on chocolate alone! Incorporate the following foods into your menstrual cycle to get the most benefits of the nutrients mentioned above:

  • Banana
  • Avocado
  • Orange
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Legumes
  • Almonds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Yogurt (choose one fortified with vitamin D)
  • Tofu
  • Salmon
  • Chicken
  • Ginger tea
  • Turmeric

Other natural ways to ease PMS

It’s a good idea to prepare your body for a few days before you menstruate if you want to feel good at this time. Even better, adopt these as a lifestyle choice to always feel at your best, and include a small piece of dark chocolate daily, too:

  • Eat well-balanced meals that include a small amount of protein, some nutritious fats, and plenty of plant foods
  • Stay well hydrated during your menstrual cycle by drinking plenty of water and warm herbal, ginger, or turmeric teas
  • Exercise at least five days a week (it doesn’t matter what type of exercise you prefer)
  • Limit fried foods and processed meals
  • Cut back on that alcohol consumption
  • When feeling sore, apply a heating pad to the areas of your lower back or abdomen
  • Try some massage therapy
  • Take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs when you are feeling at your worst

Final take

PMS symptoms are enough to drive any woman crazy, but now you know that eating a bit of chocolate will not only take the cramps away but help you long-term. Incorporate your chocolate habit with a healthy lifestyle and find the relief you deserve.